Internet Pornography Much publicity is given about banning
internet pornogrphy.The anxiety is about children getting exposed to it.Looking after children is the duty of the parents .State need not take over this responsibility.
There is no scientific proof that pornography has an adverse effect on mental health or morals of the community.Incidence of sexual abuse and rape are very less in
countries like Denmark and S
weeden where
porngraphy is rampant.In fact the incidence of sex crimes diminished when
pornogaphy was made freely available.
In fact, if somebody is very sensitive to pornography he must take action to ban
Chulavaggapali and
Mahavaggapali of Vinaya Pitaka if Tripitaka.These scriptures explicitly describes sexual perversions . It goes to say thes activiies were going on during Buddhas time.He did not try to ban them.He asdvised his descilpes to keep off these activiies.